My Guide to Possible Symptoms
of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Answer a few questions to get a personalized symptom guide to help you talk to your doctor about whether your symptoms could be due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or another condition.


experiencing unexplained symptoms

If you have any of these unexplained symptoms, it could be another health condition, or it may be HCM.

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • rapid heartbeat
  • unexplained fatigue
  • dizziness
  • fainting
talking to your doctor

Only your doctor or a cardiologist (a heart specialist) can tell you if you have HCM. By filling out information in this guide, you can give your doctor a better understanding of your symptoms, how frequently they occur, and how much they impact your lifestyle.

experiencing unexplained symptoms

Step 1
Tell us about your symptoms


Which of these possible symptoms of HCM have you experienced?
First, select all symptoms that apply.


How frequently have you been experiencing your symptoms?
Please make a selection.

Shortness of breath

Chest pain

Rapid heartbeat

Unexplained tiredness

Feeling dizzy or light-headed




How long have your symptoms been present?
Please make a selection.

Shortness of breath

Chest pain

Rapid heartbeat

Unexplained tiredness

Feeling dizzy or light-headed



woman running on treadmill

Step 2
How symptoms affect
your lifestyle


How difficult is it for you to perform the activities below when you are experiencing your symptoms?
Please select from the answers below indicating your level of difficulty with each activity. If you choose “Difficult” or “Extremely difficult,” you will be asked another question for that activity to understand the impact it has. You can add additional details in the printed guide.


I am able to walk
blocks before I need to stop.

Climbing stairs

I am able to climb
flights of stairs before I can’t go further.


I am able to exercise
minutes before I need to stop.


I am able to stand for
minutes before I need to sit.

Dressing and grooming
Household chores
Performing my job
talking to your doctor

Step 3
Current health conditions and medications


Have you been diagnosed with any of the following health conditions?
These medical conditions often have similar symptoms to HCM. Please select all that apply.


If you’re treating your symptoms but they’re not getting better, what are you taking or what have you tried?
Please select all that apply and discuss with your doctor. You’ll be able to include any details you wish to provide later in the printed guide.

talking to your doctor

Now, you can access
your Symptom Guide

Be sure to bring your guide with you to your next doctor's appointment. For your convenience, you can access your information in any of the following ways: Be sure to bring your guide with you to your next doctor appointment.

Thank You!

You should be receiving your
Symptom Guide shortly.

Access now

Send to yourself

To sign up for additional information about HCM:


register online

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